MapRoulette is the premier task orchestration platform for OpenStreetMap. The MapRoulette website connects map contributors with desired map improvement micro-tasks. Administrators can design and publish Challenges, which bundles of tasks covering a specific map improvement theme and geographic area, monitor their progress and orchestrate a complete workflow including work reviews, task priorities and higher level organization of Challenges.
MapRoulette, free to use and open source, is used by companies like Microsoft, TomTom, Uber, Lyft, Meta and the World Bank to orchestrate their OSM map improvement projects. Most organizations use a combination of community engagement and internal editing and review teams to complete meaningful map improvement work. Individual OSM contributors and community leaders globally use MapRoulette to engage new and experienced mappers looking for meaningful map improvements to contribute.
I started MapRoulette in 2011 because the OSM community in the United States was small and we had big problems to solve. We needed a way to structure and organize mapping work. New to API design, Python and web development, I hacked together the initial version of MapRoulette in a few weeks. The OSM community in the United States used it to fix more than 100,000 road network errors over the course of mere weeks.
It turned out that there was a real demand for a platform like this in the wider community and in organizations and companies that use OSM. The project has kept on growing and thriving. Dozens of community members and engineers from companies using the tool have contributed to the code. MapRoulette is now available in 20 languages. I no longer write any code for MapRoulette, but I continue to serve as a project lead and liaison for some of the major users.
- Website: MapRoulette
- Code: Github